EMS training opportunities
Learn more about our current accredited EMS courses offered at our campuses in Denver and Colorado Springs.

Further your EMS career
Accredited EMS courses and medical directorship
CommonSpirit EMS & PreHospital services has been providing exceptional education, training and medical directorship across Denver Metro and southern Colorado for more than 40 years.
Whether you are looking for an exciting career where you can help people or you are already an experienced EMS professional seeking a quality environment to attain your continuing education, we have are your link to accreted education and resources.
We also provide medical directorship to more than 55 prehospital agencies including fire departments, ambulance services, search and rescue organizations, ski patrols, and certain law enforcement groups. This includes oversight of quality assurance, continuing education and specialty courses for agencies with whom we are affiliated.
Training facilities
We offer two training facilities serving the Denver metro area and Colorado Springs.
Our Denver area facility is in Lakewood near St. Anthony Hospital and our Colorado Springs facility is on the Penrose Hospital campus. Training facilities offer:
- Dedicated classroom space with skill and simulation capability.
- Dedicated simulation labs.
- Computer resources that allow the students access to online educational resources that are maintained by the school.
- Close proximity to hospitals for student clinical experience.
Why choose our program?
Benefits of choosing St. Anthony PreHospital Services and Institute of Emergency Medical Training:
- A state-of-the-art education facility that includes dedicated simulation labs.
- We interact with local, state, regional and national organizations to make your job easier.
- We provide Medical Advisorship to more than fifty-five emergency response agencies.
- Our team is highly motivated and each member of our staff has a common interest in the advancement of EMS.
- Our backgrounds represent several levels of the medical specialties including: EMT, paramedics, nurses, and medical doctors, business professionals and hospital administrators
Our history
The tradition continues.
When the Sisters of St. Francis envisioned a hospital in North Denver, they named it St. Anthony, the "Wonder Worker" of saints, known for restoring faith to the despairing. The Emergency Medical Services Department has strived over the years to help keep that vision alive.
With cooperation between multiple departments in the St. Anthony Hospital System, and with the support of the Colorado community, we started one of the first full service emergency medical systems in the United States. The three crucial elements were a state of the art Emergency Department with level-one trauma capabilities, the first civilian helicopter ambulance in the nation, Flight for Life® Colorado, and finally, a formal emergency medical training program that participated in and graduated the one of first national pilot EMT-Basic class.
This partnership succeeded in moving prehospital care from untrained ambulance drivers bringing untreated injured people to unprepared hospitals, to educated paramedics responding to emergency situations, performing life saving techniques then transporting the stabilized patients using their fully equipped ambulances, or Flight for Life when deemed necessary, to the awaiting trauma center.
In the early 1980s the need for paramedic continuing education and quality assurance became pronounced. Once again, St. Anthony recognized a need and responded. It was decided that emergency medical training would not be limited to the walls of the hospital, instead it would be taken where it would have the greatest impact, to the fire and ambulance stations. Starting with eighteen agencies in 1982, St. Anthony PreHospital Services now oversees the continuing education for over 50 response and dispatch agencies throughout the State of Colorado.
In 2011, we opened a new, state-of-the-art EMS education center in Lakewood, just across Union from St. Anthony Hospital, which offers:
- Increased classroom space with dedicated skill and simulation capability.
- State of the art video conferencing capability to provide synchronous video conferencing capabilities with our EMS partners.
- Two dedicated simulation labs with built in video conferencing and recording capabilities, as well as an isolated control room to allow for remote instructor oversight.
- Computer resources that allow the students access to online educational resources that are maintained by the school.
- Close proximity to the new St. Anthony Hospital for student clinical experience.
- Improved parking to which minimizes conflicts between students and hospital staff or patients.
Never limited by trends, St. Anthony PreHospital Services continues to have the freedom to develop innovative education that meets the growing needs of Colorado EMS, continuing our Franciscan Sister's Legacy.
Our team looks forward to working with you to answer questions about our courses or to discuss medical directorship and continuing education.
Administration |
Medical Directors |
Jonathan Apfelbaum, MD |
Scott Branney, MD |
E. Stein Bronsky, MD |
Casey Dart, MD |
Mark Doucette, MD |
Eugene (Gene) Eby, MD |
David Hakkarinen, MD |
Timothy (Tim) Hurtado, DO |
R. Zach Louderback, MD |
Derrick Morford, DO |
Case Newsome, DO |
C. Sam Smith, MD |
Gina Soriya, MD |
W. Peter Vellman, MD |
Education Coordinators |
Bobby Allen NRP |
Maureen Bradley, NRP |
Joni Briola, BS, NRP |
Traci Coulson, NREMT |
Richard Estep, AA, NRP |
Jessica Manzo, AAS, NRP |
John Mason NRP |
Melody Mesmer, EMT-P |
Arthur (Lee) Meyer AS., CCEMTP, I/C |
Mary (Clancy) Myers |
Thomas (TR) Resignolo NREMT-P |
David Sanko BS, NRP |
Gina Scarbrough, FP-C, NRP |
Gretchen Schad, BS, NREMT-P |
Jenna Steege, BS, NRP |
Andrew Whittle BS, NRP |
Meredith Young, BSN, RN |