Esther Yoon, MD
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Education & Background
About Esther Yoon, MD
Esther Yoon, MD, FAAPMR, specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. She is a fellowship-trained and board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation physician who specializes in interventional spine and musculoskeletal medicine, and pain management. Dr. Yoon enjoys working closely with referring physicians to find solutions that will provide patients with long-term pain relief. Her goal is to reduce patients’ reliance on pain medication and, in many cases, avoid the need for surgery. She works with her patient’s using biometrics as a key component in their treatment plans.
Dr. Yoon completed medical school and her residency at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Yoon enjoys many outdoor activities, including mountain biking, hiking, skiing and snowboarding. She also enjoys music, playing the guitar, piano and other instruments and writing music. Dr. Yoon is fluent in English and Korean.
Special Interests
- Back and Neck Pain
- Spinal Stenosis
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Osteoarthritis (Spine)
- Spine Fractures
- Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment
- Carpal Tunnel
- Lower Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Pain Management