Calah Messner, NP

Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care
Family Medicine
Calah Messner, NP
(145 reviews)

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Primary Location

CommonSpirit Primary Care & Sports Medicine Arvada
16280 W 64th Ave
Arvada, CO 80007
Calah Messner, NP

Calah Messner, NP

Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care


Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care
Family Medicine

Education & Background

Walden University
Adult Gerontology Primary Care
(145 Reviews)

About Calah Messner, NP

Calah Messner, NP, feels it is important to listen to and collaborate with her patients in making all healthcare decisions. She cares for the whole person, placing an emphasis on wellness, patient education, and accountability. She especially enjoys caring for and treating older adults and helping them navigate the changing needs that come with aging.

Calah completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at the University of Nebraska in Omaha. She went on to earn a Master of Science in Nursing from Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner specializing in Adult and Geriatric Primary Care.

Calah likes to stay active with running, biking, and yoga. She also enjoys spending time with her family, working in her garden, and reading.

locations map


CommonSpirit Primary Care & Sports Medicine Arvada
16280 W 64th Ave
Arvada, CO 80007
Fax: 720-898-1113


Ratings are calculated via patient surveys collected from the Medical Practice survey from Press Ganey using the Mean score for each of the four questions shown below. Star scores are determined by dividing the mean score by 20 so a 100% Mean score divided into 5ths results in a 5 star rating.

Rating Highlights

(145 Reviews)
My likelihood of recommending the provider:
Care provider includes me in decisions about my treatment:
My wait time in clinic: